Nura holds a bachelor’s degree of Science in Computer Engineering from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST). Nura has worked on a number of projects in health: MobiCare; a mobile based application that links patients to health care professionals. On MobiCare, Nura worked with the MobiCare team to acquire ethical approvals from the MUST – Research Ethics Committee and from the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. She has also conducted a feasibility and Acceptability study for MobiCare application in 5 private health facilities of Mbarara Municipality with a total of 129 participants. Among the other projects are: Digital Speech Assistant (DSA); a mobile based application that aids communication between the deaf patients and the health care providers, Autothermo; a continuous neonatal temperature monitoring device with a remote temperature display capability. PEDCan, a mobile-based application that aids suspicion of childhood cancer using signs and symptoms. Nura has received grants and awards- from the CAMTech Accelerator Program (CAP) award 2019 and from Ministry of ICT and National Guidance 2019. Nura was also recently recognized by UN Women and Ministry of Gender and Social Development as the award winner for 2019 girl flourish awards under the category of innovations.